The Pickled Prepper
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Two fish on a plate. Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay.

A Simple Economic Model Illustrating Inflation

To really understand the impact of inflation on the economy, let's boil it down to the basics and take a close look.
Windmills in a field. Image by Alexander Droeger from Pixabay

Cutting Our Legs Out From Under Us – Part Three

In Part One of this series, we discussed how food, energy, and money at the three legs of the tripod the supports human life on Earth. In Part Two, we took a closer look at food. Today we delve into the energy crisis.
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

Cutting Our Legs Out From Under Us – Part Two

In Part One of this series, we discussed how food, energy, and money at the three legs of the tripod the supports human life on Earth. Today, we take a closer look at food.
An oil pump at sunset. Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash.

Cutting Our Legs Out From Under Us – Part One

How our food supply, currency, and fossil fuel industry are under attack and what it means for our society.
prepper news update

Prepper News Update, October 21

Afghanistan Sinks Further Into Misery without U.S. Whether you blame Joe Biden for pulling out or the Taliban for its cruel practices and inability to...
Man in a purge mask. Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash.

How will you Survive During the Purge?

Some municipalities might have a shortage of police, fire, and EMS personnel due to their decisive and destructive vaccine mandates. Yet the politicians don't seem to care.
A modem pack in various stages of disassembly to recover the 18650 batteries inside.

Buying Cheap Used/Recovered 18650 Batteries for My Survival Stash

What is best for the prepper: Brand new 18650 batteries for $10 each or recovering used or surplus batteries for a fraction of that price?
A curve about to explore upwards.

Inflation and Supply Chain Problems Rise Above the Fold

We are reaching that inflection point where inflation and supply chain problems can no longer be brushed under the rug.
A black bear sow and her cubs.

Forget the Raccoon, the Bears are Here

This is a perfect example of why you should never let your guard down. The bears showed up two days after I had relaxed because our mystery visitor was just a raccoon.
Chicken and Turkey could be in short supply next month.. Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash/

Meat and Poultry Shortages Could Surge in November

A meat industry insider predicts more shortages will come as vaccine mandates force meat processors and packers to fire employees.