Tag: Prepping
Costco Shopping Trip Shows No Sign of Inflation, Yet
I visit two stores known for low prices and I found no signs of inflation. But its there at the gas pump.
Transitory Hyperinflation is Here and More Bad News
I head down the mountain to revisit society and the news isn't good. Gas is more expensive, food is costly, and the word "hyperinflation" is no longer just used to describe other countries,
Bread and Circuses Only Work When there’s Enough Bread to go...
funny how a tactic developed more than a thousand years ago still works today. It must be human nature to be easily distracted at the expense of long-term problems.
It’s Time for the Pendulum to Swing Back to the Middle
You can always count on a pendulum to eventually swing back, but the problems start when it goes too far.
My First Experience at Forging Yields a Rough Knife
I had a fun day forging, but the results of my first time at an anvil left something to be desired. Still, it was a good lesson.
Inflation, War, COVID-19, and Other Dangers Lie Ahead
Our hopes of getting back to the pre-COVID normal seem pretty dismal, but there have always been reasons to prepare.
New Technology for Building the Dystopian Future
My idea of hell is a world of chat bots and automated systems where you can never get to a real human being on the line.
How to Prepare for the Destruction of our Economy and the...
How do you prepare for the coming collapse of our society? What do we need besides food, water and shelter?
Prep for your Feet — Good Footwear is Critical for Preppers
I like to think of footwear a shelter for my feet. My boots should keep my feet warm, dry and protected, just like my house.
Using the Ryobi Inverter for Stop-Gap Emergency Power
It's small. It's not very powerful, but the price was right. This mini-inverter adds another layer in our preps.