The Pickled Prepper
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a couple cooking dinner

Food Worries Grow as the Shutdown is Extended

I’ve been worried about food supplies well before the coronavirus disrupted things at the grocery store. Food storage should be the foundation of your preps.
Pete's Bugout Bg

The Dirty Little Secret about Bugout Bags

Bugout bags are a great place to start your prepping, but they are just one step towards preparedness.
Freezer Contents

Quarantine Day 25: Would we Change our Preps?

I’ve got stacks of paperback books, a few hardbacks, a Kindle, streaming services and DirecTv, a computer, an Xbox, and a list of chores, but the best part of the day tends to be the phone calls. I spent about two hours on the phone today, all personal calls.
Protests and Riots

Will the Coronavirus Crisis Lead to Civil Unrest?

How to prepare for protests, riots and looting that the coronavirus or subsequent economic collapse could cause.
Groundhog Day

Quarantine Day 23: It’s Groundhog Day All Over Again

After more than three weeks in quarantine, I feel like Phil Connors waking up in the movie Groundhog Day. I’m just glad no one is playing Sonny and Cher.
Rice Pilaf

16 Days in Quarantine: Life Goes On

It’s Day 16 and we’ve totally adapted to being locked in. I guess whomever it was that said it takes two weeks to make something a habit was right. I mean, I know there’s a real world out there, but I no longer miss it. I’m just grateful for my iPhone tells is or I would have no idea what day of the week it is.
Home made split pea soup

Taking it Easy on Quarantine Days 11 and 12

Day 11 and 12 of quarantine continued to be fairly low key. The weather has been wet, so we’re largely staying indoors. The highlight of my day was a nap in the late afternoon and a number of lengthy phone calls with friends and family.

Day 10 of Quarantine: Quiet on the Home Front

After 10 days, we have adjusted to our life in quarantine and settled into a routine. We’ve adapted to being home full time and are getting along well. We’ve determined that it is important to have goals and to schedule at least one activity or chore per day.

To Bug In or Bug Out

The question of whether to bug out and when to do so is one preppers face every time there’s an emergency. Sometimes it’s pretty clear. This is not one of those times.
Zombie Apocolypse

They are not Laughing at us Anymore

I could not help but enjoy this article from the Associated Press that people who used to laugh at their prepper friends are now...