The Pickled Prepper
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While rural areas are safer than most urban areas, there are criminals who prey on empty or isolated country homes. A good security system can help deter them.

Upgrading and Repairing our Security Devices

While rural areas are safer than most urban areas, there are criminals who prey on empty or isolated country homes. A good security system can help deter them.
This is an example of the bottles of honey we filled from our late-summer harvest, from quarts all the way down to eight ounces. The honey is all the same color; it just looks darker in the larger bottles.

Big Honey Harvest Plus Homestead and Security Update

As summer draws to an end, we harvest our honey crop and some of the last vegetables from the garden. Before winter sets in is also a good time to check that all systems are functioning.
S&G Combination Lock

Liberty Safe Company is Sucking up to Tyrants

What you can do to keep your guns and other valuables safe after the revelation that Liberty Safe Company has a backdoor.
laptop computer

Just Smile, Act Natural, and have an Online Alter Ego

If they can spy on the President's computer, how can you expect to surf safely?
Some of the many prepper websites out there

How to Visit Prepping and Other Websites Without Leaving Tracks

We have the First Amendment right to free speech, but it also appears that we have the thought police straight from George Orwell's 1984. Take some steps to protect yourself.
Samples of carpet color

August 27 Diary – Our Move Grows A Step Closer

We are getting closer to moving to our perfect prepper home by upgrading it and making cosmetic improvements to our existing home prior to selling it.