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Tag: Survival

A canoe is an excellent post-SHTF survival vehicle and tool.

Weight Loss During a Wilderness Survival Trial

We analyze a five-day wilderness excursion and uses it to discuss the demands and pitfalls of bugging out to the wilderness.
Sam Thayer’s Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America

Book Review: Sam Thayer’s Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants

If you plan to forage for food after the SHTF, you need this book. An excellent resource for the prepper, homesteaded or bush crafter who wants to live off the land.
A young man using a folding saw

Do you Need Bushcrafting Skills to Survive?

Bushcrafting and wilderness survival skills are useful, but is surviving in the wilderness really your best option after the SHTF?
A woman blows her nose while sick in bed.

How to Minimize Illness After the SHTF

Today, strep throat or a minor infection are easily dealt with. That won't be the case after a SHTF incident when there are no doctors or hospitals.
One man amongst devastation

Can you Survive the First Year?

How well are you prepped? Pete discusses three things you must be prepared to survive for a country-wide or global calamity.
A candle in the dark

How to Survive When the Grid Fails for Good

We outline five steps you should take when the grid goes down and tell you how to tell how serious a sudden power outage may be,
A pick up truck on the road

A Travel Survival Pack or Get Home Kit

When you are out of town, you have to carry your survival supplies with you. Are you equipped to walk home after a disaster?
A man transplanting a plant in the garden

Make this the Year You Garden

With the way the world looks today, there has never been a better time to plant a garden. If the SHTF, you will value every calorie you produce.
A house in the mountains. Photo by Rohan Gangopadhyay on Unsplash

Time to Step Away From it All

Where we live, we can’t get a pizza delivered. Door Dash doesn’t come here. We can’t even join Walmart+. Are the trade offs worth it?
Woman in a gas mask in a destroyed building.

Why a Collapse is More Likely than a Nuclear War

What are you more likely to survive, a nuclear war or a collapse? Pete things a collapse is more likely but one could cause the other.