Tag: The Economy
The Government Admits our Economy is in Trouble
By making SVB depositors whole, the government is tacitly admitting that our economy is on the verge of falling off a cliff and can't withstand a shock.
What You can do if this is the Year of the...
Many are predicting a stock market collapse, a housing collapse, maybe the death of the petrodollar. What can you do to prepare?
A Realistic Look at the Effects of a Rail Strike
After four of the twelve unions representing various freight railroad workers vote against the deal, we look at what a strike means to you and me.
Rail Strike Looms as Another Union Rejects Labor Deal
A nation-wide rail strike looks it may hit as early as the second week in December as another union of railroad workers voted against the deal.
Young Fraudsters get their 15 Minutes of Fame
Why are so many young people founding companies built on “untruths, misrepresentations, plain hubris and lies?"
How to Bounce Back After Getting Laid Off in a Recession
One day you are at work and everything's going fine until the call a meeting and announce layoffs. Suddenly, you're unemployed. What do you do?
Layoffs are Already Happening as Economy Sinks
Layoffs are happening on the local and national level, energy prices are rising, and consumers are cutting back on spending.
Higher Interest Rates To Crush the Economy
Just as you can’t take speed for years without suffering side effects, you can’t artificially amp up the economy and expect it not to crash.
Inflation: The Worst is Yet to Come
As gas prices start back up, it's clear the Biden Band-Aid didn't cure the problem and things are going to get worse before they get better.
Is this what a European Collapse Will Look Like?
This winter will see Europe and the EU stressed like never before. What kind of problems will the energy crisis and high inflation create?