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Tag: winter

A conibear trap set to kill whatever comes out of this hole.

A Winter Rest and Reset on the Homestead

The cold is giving us a rest as outdoor chores dwindle and we have time to relax and step back from the demands of homesteading.
Chevy pickup truck in the snow

Planning for Winter and Other Small Challenges

With winter just around the corner, this is the time to winterize your vehicle and make sure your car emergency kit will help keep you warm and well fed.
A gray day with dead, brown plants

Heading into the Gray Days of Winter

The pretty autumn leaves have given way to dead, brown oak leaves and gray skies as the fun days of fall give way to the gray days of winter
Child at doctor's visit

Are You Prepped for Winter Ills?

Children's hospitals are filling up thanks to a high rate of viral infections, and winter has barely started. Prep for it to get worse as temperatures drop.
A women's hands clenching a blanket.

Keeping Warm in a Cold House

As energy costs rise and natural gas grows scarce in Europe, people need to find new ways to keep warm at home.
After a snow storm

Start your Fall and Winter Preps Now

The best time to prepare for fall and winter weather is before it sets in. This is the ideal time to get your autumn chores done.
a woodland retreat in the winter

It’s Summer; Time to Prepare a Winter Without Gas

Whether you live in an urban apartment building or a cabin in the wilderness, this is the time to prep to survive a winter with power outages and expensive heat
A cold, snowy city street.

Super Cold Temps Hit U.S.; How to Stay Warm

As temperatures plunge in New England, there are fears that there might not be enough power generation to meet demand.

Prepper News Update, October 14

Power Bills Predicted to Jump up to 54 Percent this Winter The first major snowstorm hit the Rocky Mountains north into Montana, leaving from a...
A fire burning inside our Fisher Stove

How Will You Stay Warm in a Winter Power Failure?

A gasoline shortage means you can't drive, but a natural gas shortage means people might freeze to death. Do you have a back up heat source?