The Pickled Prepper
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The track up the mountain in the snow and fog

Prepper Diary December 29: We Repair our Water System

Disasters never seem to happen when the weather is nice. We have to climb the mountain to repair our water system on a cold, wet, foggy day.
A fire burning inside our Fisher Stove

Prepper Diary December 27: Our Focus on the Temperature and the...

Our wood stove is cranking out the heat, keeping the cold at bay. The pile of red-hot coals generate the most heat while the logs that are burning brightly will soon be coals themselves.
faucet Dripping

Prepper Diary December 26: Bitterly Cold Weather Brings Frozen Pipe...

Wind chills drop to the negative teens and we work on keeping the house warm and preventing our pipes from freezing.
Winter Landscape with Trees. Image by Ina Hoekstra from Pixabay.

Prepper Diary December 17: The Winter Storm Strikes

As much of the North East was blanketed with snow, we weather our first winter storm in our new prepper property.
snowy mountain cabin

Get Prepared for a Long, Cold, Lonely Winter

The combination of cold, snowy weather and rising cases of COVID-19 could make for a cold, lonely winter with no holiday visits.