A Slight Change of Plans


I’ve posted 465 times since this blog was founded in March 2020, and haven’t missed a day since November. That could change in the near future.

With the arrival of spring and the need to do more work outside, I’m going to be much busier than I have been all winter and during our COVID-19 lockdown. The result is likely to be fewer or shorter posts.

(For more details, refer to the latter half of yesterday’s post where I address turning hobbies into work and the dangers of getting carried away.)

I still expect to post multiple times per week, but the frequency may vary or be inconsistent based on the weather, meaning more posts when it rains. Posts will continue to cover:

  • Prepping
  • Homesteading, including:
    • Chickens
    • Bees and Beekeeping
    • Gardening
  • Guns and ammo
  • Economic topics that relate to prepping, including inflation, shortages, and fiat currency
  • COVID-19 and any other epidemics that might come along (like Ebola)
  • Product reviews
  • Book reviews
  • Posting news and YouTube videos of interest to preppers and homesteaders

Thank you to our many loyal readers, and please hang in there.