Prepper News Update for October 11


File Under “Don’t Say we Didn’t Warn You”

In this article on the new energy crisis, the Washington Post points out that some power plants in India are about to run out of coal, so we can add demand in India to that in china and Europe. They also report that in Asia, the spot price for natural gas jumped from $5 for one million BTUs in September 2020 to $56 this month. That’s a helluva jump.

Grocery Shopping Will Never Return to Normal

According to CNN, the pre-pandemic days of full shelves at the grocery store and plenty of food are gone for good. The y even used the phrase “Before Times” with the initial capitalization, like we are in the “End Times.” I kind of like “Before Times.” It sounds like something the survivors would say in a dystopian future. Hey, wait a minute….

I am amused the article’s focus is not on the rising cost of meat, the limits on paper products or the rising cost of oats and breakfast cereal, but instead bemoans the limited quantities of Rice Krispies Treats, Sour Patch Kids, and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors. Because isn’t that what we all go shopping for? Who wrote this? An intern who still lives with their mom?

Taiwan Says it Won’t Bow to China

Taiwan President Tsai said the country will continue to fortify its borders and build up its defenses against China. Her speech took place at a parade featuring fighter jets, tanks and missile launchers.

China Preparing Containment Centers for people with COVID-19

Leaked documents show that the Chinese Communist Party is telling provinces to build containment Sites for COVID-19 patients and to have 20 rooms per 10,000 people. Each site will have at least 1,00 rooms. Make sure you read the article to the end because its conclusions are interesting.