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Yearly Archives: 2021
In Search of Meat for my Survival Stores
I don't want to live on grains an greens alone. I am a omnivore unless given the opportunity to be a carnivore. But that's difficult to accommodate when prepping.
Life in These United States
The parallels between the years leading up to the Great Depression and where we stand today are hard to ignore. Is another crash in our future?
How to Prepare for Drought and Changing Weather Patterns
The Western U.S. is experiencing a record-setting drought. How can you survive if your water source dries up? What options are there?
Are you Seeing Panic In Your State?
The Pfizer vaccine may be less than 40 percent effective against the Delta variant of COVID-19. We hit 49,746 cases on July 23. Are people around you panicking, or is it just the media?
Prepper News Update July 23: COVID and Inflation Look Like they...
I am still on vacation, but here's a short prepper news update:
Shutdowns Begin in California as COVID-19 Cases Surge
A few restaurants in Los Angeles...
Prepper News Update July 20
Posts may be sporadic or even absent for the next few days as my daughter and her family is visiting and I'm busy spending...
Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results
The CPI is up, headlines are blaring about inflation, Wall Street is worried, yet when we compare prices for prepper pantry staples now and in January, inflation seems to be missing.
What Kind of Prepper Are You? Guns vs Food
Guns play a role in preparedness, especially in this day and age. But where do they fall in your priority list? Before or after food?
Prepper News Update July 20
COVID-19 Exposure Surges in UK
One fifth of all workers in the UK are supposed to be self-isolating due to potential COVID-19 exposure. The UK...
We Test Out the BeeScanning App on Hive Inspection Day
We opened up three hives and took a total of 62 photos to test in the BeeScanning app as a tool to measure a varroa mite infestation.