The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2022

A hidden forest cabin

The Forgotten Prep; Beyond Food and Water

Preppers concentrate on food and water so much they sometimes neglect their prepper shelter. Are you ready to survive live without utilities?
Russian military rocket launcher and trucks destroyed in Ukraine

The Ukrainian War Is Six Months Old

It feels like we are back in the 1970s with inflation, an energy crisis, the cold war and a bumbling, incompetent president.
industrial manufacturing

China Moves Factories to War Footing

China is taking steps to ready their military, their factories, and their populace for war.
Honey from the spring and summer

How to add Calories to your Long Term Storage Plan

Storing food is critical to survival, but raising your own food can provide critical calories and help extend the life of your food storage.
A lab tech examines a petri dish

Viruses Continue to Pound the U.S.

After COVID, the country has a heightened awareness of viruses. Two others are creating a stir and might disrupt supply chains.
world half in flames

Oops, the World hasn’t Coming to an End Yet

People have been predicting the end of the world for a long time, but we're still here and so is the planet.
After a snow storm

Start your Fall and Winter Preps Now

The best time to prepare for fall and winter weather is before it sets in. This is the ideal time to get your autumn chores done.
Used merchandise at a flea market. Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash.

We Are Not the First Civilization to Collapse, But Probably the...

The United States is not the first civilization in North America to collapse, but we may be the last because we are destroying the future.
Walmart Pasta Shelf

Testing the State of the Economy while Shopping

My most recent shopping trip shows inflation continues to rise, people are losing their jobs, and supply change problems persist.
Average annual perciptation

It May be Time to Move

If you live in Southern California or in any of the states that draw water from the Colorado River, you might want to move before it is too late.