Protest Demonstrates Leftist Idiocy

Rioters enjoy the flames of arson. Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash.
Rioters enjoy the flames of arson. Photo by Alex McCarthy on Unsplash.

It’s amazing what leftists will riot about.  For example:

A person drew a gun and shot a state police officer, severely injuring him.  Other officers returned fire, killing the individual.  Seems like an appropriate response.  Unless you are a leftist, in which case you call for a “Night of Rage,” set fire to police cars, shoot fireworks at the police, and smash windows in office buildings.  Police arrested six people, some of whom had explosives.

This would be front page news if those arrested had been Proud Boys instead of ANTIFA.  Instead, CNN debated on whether or not to call the protests “violent.”

Published 1/22/2023. Read full article.