The Pickled Prepper
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Monthly Archives: December 2023

Stock market returns

The Market is up – do you Feel Wealthier?

Owing little or no money is going to make you feel far wealthier than a rising balance in your retirement account.
Coronavirus with spikes

Deadly China Virus Sparks New Fears – Should You Worry?

Is the news about new illnesses in China and other countries something you should worry about, or is it just scaremongering?
Large and medium eggs from our older hens, small eggs from the younger hens.

Extra Eggs Finally Here

Nineteen weeks after they were hatched, the chicks we got in early August are finally starting to lay eggs. Soon, we hoped to be swamped with eggs.
A cold, snowy city street.

Harsh Weather Coming to Eastern U.S.

Heavy rain will start in the South and turn to snow as it heads north over the next few days. Be prepared.
Inflation leaves the wallet empty

Three Steps You can Take to Mitigate Inflation

While the government tells us inflation is falling, our wallets know that isn't true. Here are three ways to counter inflations effects.
An illuminated Tesla logo

Are Electric Vehicles a Good Choice for Preppers?

None of use will every be able to produce our own gasoline, but as solar power costs drop, can we recharge our own electric vehicles post SHTF?
cyberattack warning

China Increases Cyberattacks on U.S.

The Chinese military is increasing its penetration of critical U.S. systems with the aim of disrupting our systems and decision-making ability during war.
five people wearing backpacks run for the fills

A Wave of Young Preppers Start their Prepping Journeys

Forty percent of Gen-Zers report they have spent money on prepping in the past year. That's great! the more preppers the better.
snowy mountain cabin

Our First Serious Snowfall Hits

The clipper system moving across the U.S. earlier this week didn’t bring us our first snow of the year, but it did bring us our first significant accumulation
The FBI reports the threat of terrorism is extremely high.

FBI says Threat of Terrorism at Highest Level in Years

The FBI director told the senate the threat of a terrorist attack in the U.S. is higher than it has been in years, thanks to the Hamas attack.