A Quick Update from Pete

Person with a cold taking their temperature
Pete doesn't have a fever but he has plenty of other symptoms.

I am suffering from one of those viruses going around and have a combination sinus problems and sore throat that leaves me worn out and sleepy. As a result, don’t expect me to most much over the weekend.

We are looking at some rain, freezing rains, snow and whatever else Mother Nature can throw at us this weekend. We’re snug and ready, hoping the power stays on but prepared if it does not. Between being sick and the possibility of losing power, I’ll probably read a couple of books this weekend.

Speaking of our power problems, I reached out to two different solar installation companies and heard back from one. Our next step is to do a site assessment. I’ll let you know what they say.

We had ten eggs one day this week, and then twelve the next. Looks like the new hens are kicking into gear.