There’s a sudden increase of media coverage—both in mainstream media and in the preppersphere—about the rising threat of nuclear war with Russia. The BBC even pointed out “A number of the front pages carry warnings of an increasing nuclear threat from Vladimir Putin, after he approved new rules for Russia’s military.”
What triggered this threat? Three things:
- The Biden Administration gave Ukraine permission to use long-range rockets to launch attacks deeper inside Russia, and Ukraine carried out such an attack on a key installation, reportedly injuring a North Korean general. Coincidentally, the U.S. is said to have changed its position on long range strikes after Russia brought North Korean troops to the battlefield.
- Russia announced a new nuclear doctrine, making it easier for them to use nukes in response to enemy actions. They also stated that Ukraine could not aim and fire these new weapons by themselves, therefore the U.S. and/or other NATO allies were involved in the attacks on Russia.
- Russia used a new ballistic missile to attack a weapon manufacturing facility in Ukraine. The missile apparently carried six warheads. All were conventional, but the missile can carry a nuclear payload. This demonstration of Russian missile technology is considered by some a step towards a nuclear strike and a warning.
Here are a few examples of the fearmongering this chain of events has led to in the media.
This story was from a prominent link on the Drudge Report on Monday. It originally appeared on

This is another clickbait image that was featured on On Monday, they were playing up the nuclear war story.

Below that is a string of stories, many filled with old news, but all hyping the danger of nuclear war. There was a story in a British newspaper saying FEMA published a guide on surviving nuclear war that includes some rather silly suggestions, like hiding under your dashboard if you are in your car during fallout. (Can anyone bigger than a three-year-old fit under their dashboard?)
On YouTube, I saw reports that the U.S. has increased its nuclear readiness and that our “boomer” submarines that carry nuclear-tipped missiles are at their highest level of alert. Since the U.S. doesn’t disclose its DEFCON level, we do not know if this is true or not.
NATO seems worried. Of course, they would be on the front line and Putin has threatened them, including plans to target a U.S. anti-missile base in Poland. It’s not just Poland and the Ukraine that are potential targets; Putin has threatened Russia on multiple occasions, and France just gave Ukraine permission to use its long-range rockets and missiles to strike inside Russia.
Should you Worry?
Is the threat real? The Russians have repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons, yet they did not do so when Ukraine invaded Kursk or when they were given F-16s, both supposed red lines. Of course, like a rubber band, if you push the red line too far, it may snap. Just because Russia hasn’t used nuclear weapons yet doesn’t mean they won’t.
Is this the outgoing administration trying to stir up trouble for the incoming president? Quite possibly. For example, if the Biden Admin feared a nuclear attack, they could withdraw their permission and tell Ukraine not to use any other U.S. munitions to hit Russia, but they have not done so. Also, Biden (or his caretakers) are no doubt worried about his legacy. If Trump stops in weeks a war that Biden allowed to run for years, history will look down on Biden, who is already considered by some to be the worst president since Gerald Ford.
Could the liberal media be looking for something to distract them and their readers from the election stories? Yep. Likewise, more than a few voices in the prepper media, including well-known YouTubers, sell prepping food and gear. Stories that scare people drive sales.
My take is it is always wise to be prepared, but never healthy to live in fear. So prep and make plans, but don’t let the fear of Russia keep you awake at night. If you want to tailor your preps to nuclear bombs, we have a series of articles to help you prep, including What to Do it Nuclear War Breaks Out and Nuclear War: Planning and Preparing for the Worst.
The War in Ukraine
Right now, the war in Ukraine is hot and heavy. Both sides know the war is likely to end after Trump takes office, so they are fighting for every advantage they can take to the peace negotiations. The more land they hold, the better their position at the peace talks.
Trump has threatened to end the war or expand it, and Russia is smart enough to know it doesn’t want to be attacked by the U.S., especially with Trump at the helm. Both Russia and the Ukraine would probably welcome (at least privately) a chance to step away from the brink. Russia because it will gain some land and may coax the U.S. into relaxing some of its sanctions, so Putin can claim a win. Ukraine may lose territory, but it successfully held off the Russians for three years. Even if it never gets to join NATO, they will have time to rebuild their army, replenish their ammo supply, add thousands of missiles to their stores, and build nuclear weapons. That will make them a harder target in the future.
The Ukrainians’ new weapons expertise may also turn them into a new supplier of drones and missile technology to other European countries.
Bugging Out if Nukes are Used
Back in February 2022, one of my kids asked if she should bug out to our place because Russia invaded Ukraine. “Only if they use nuclear weapons,” I told her.
That advice holds true today: the use of nuclear weapons by anyone anywhere in the world justifies bugging out.
The problem with nuclear weapons is once one is used, more are likely to be. If Russia were to use even a small tactical nuke, the U.S. would respond. Even if the response was conventional, the escalation would have the world teetering on the edge of nuclear war.
If that happens, I will reach out to my prepper friends and family to encourage them to bug out immediately. Then I will place a large order with Walmart that I can pick up curbside the same day and place an order with Sam’s Club and/or Costco to have delivered to me. This time around, you can bet we will have plenty of chicken feed, gasoline, and fresh veggies on hand.
Remember, it is better to bug out a week early and look foolish for a few days than it is to wait until the roads are clogged, the stores shelves have been stripped bare, or the intercontinental ballistic missiles are in the air.