The Pickled Prepper
In the snow, everything looks black and white.

The Arctic Blast Arrives

Snow and bitter cold make homestead chores more difficult, but the chickens seem to tolerate it OK as long as they get food and water.
A handful of pills and tablets.

Getting Sick on the Homestead Sucks

Being sick on the homestead is a hassle, but being sick in a SHTF scenario will be worse. Still, its not a fun lesson.
Person with a cold taking their temperature

A Quick Update from Pete

Pete is laid up with one of the many viruses making the rounds. Our rate of posting may drop off for a few days until he makes a recovery.
Map of weather anomalies

Winter is Back in Our Neck of the Woods

Pete is "lucky" enough to live in the one section of the country where the winter temps are normal or close to it. Looks like a cold January.
Large and medium eggs from our older hens, small eggs from the younger hens.

Extra Eggs Finally Here

Nineteen weeks after they were hatched, the chicks we got in early August are finally starting to lay eggs. Soon, we hoped to be swamped with eggs.
snowy mountain cabin

Our First Serious Snowfall Hits

The clipper system moving across the U.S. earlier this week didn’t bring us our first snow of the year, but it did bring us our first significant accumulation
Tarp on a woodpile

A Cold House and Wet Weather

A damp, wet day will make the air temperature feel colder. A wood fire is an excellent antidote. Of course, that requires dry firewood.
Fallen leaves and signs of autumn.

We get Hit with Harsh Winter Weather

Temperatures plunge, sending us from a nice temperate autumn to a bitter cold taste of winter. We beat the cold with our last harvest.

Is Homesteading the Way to live in an Uncertain Future?

Do you want to live a simpler life with fewer financial demands and more freedom while you are healthier and happier? Try homesteading.
An autumn scene in the mountains

Heading into Winter on the Homestead and in the World

If we face a war in the Middle East with possible shortages and terrorism, the homestead becomes an increasingly important part of our preps.