Rice Prices Climb to 15-year High
Rice prices have climbed 50 percent since 2022, reaching highs last seen in 2008, when markets collapsed during the Great Recession.
From Being on the Brink to Worse
According to this report, we were on the brink in 2023. 2024 could see the world pushed over the brink.
Lifestyles of Rich and Famous Prepper
Is that a bunker or a five star hotel? When the preppers are billionaires, there may not be much difference in the amenities offered.
Deadly China Virus Sparks New Fears – Should You Worry?
Is the news about new illnesses in China and other countries something you should worry about, or is it just scaremongering?
Harsh Weather Coming to Eastern U.S.
Heavy rain will start in the South and turn to snow as it heads north over the next few days. Be prepared.
China Increases Cyberattacks on U.S.
The Chinese military is increasing its penetration of critical U.S. systems with the aim of disrupting our systems and decision-making ability during war.
Chinese Pneumonia is Getting Worse
The latest mysterious illness affecting the Chinese seems to be getting worse, with parents and children reportedly camping outside hospitals because beds are filled,...
Stagflation Lies Ahead
The combination of rising prices and fewer jobs is a bad one, resulting in stagflation. We are heading there, as the charts in this...
This Indicator says Recession may be Looming
While GDP, the gross domestic product, may get all the headlines, the GDI, or gross domestic income, tells a more depressing story.
Bad Bank Behavior – Why you need to Deal with More...
Banks are closing some accounts without warning, leaving consumers with no access to their money and a bad credit report.