The Pickled Prepper
Home Prepper News Update

Prepper News Update

Prepper News Update for June 29

We’ve been including occasional prepper news updates in our articles for some time with links to articles on topics of interest. Effective today, we...

Prepper News Update July 5

The Problem With Carrying Guns in An Anti-Gun State This story about cops closing I-95 because of 11 armed men has been all over the...
Hurricane Elsa heads north.

Just a Short Update and Prepper News Recap

Not much going on around the homestead today, so I did chores and got things prepper in case storms from Hurricane Elsa get this...

Prepper News Update July 23: COVID and Inflation Look Like they...

I am still on vacation, but here's a short prepper news update: Shutdowns Begin in California as COVID-19 Cases Surge A few restaurants in Los Angeles...

Prepper News Update July 30

Vaccines Less Effective Over Time The FDA has found that the effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine drops by about 19 percent to 84 percent over...

Prepper News Update August 2

Shortages, old and new, are in the news again. You wont' believe what they predict will be the next thing that's running low.

Prepper News Update August 7

Volcanoes and Tsunamis Volcanoes remain a hidden threat to the global supply chain, according to this article.  Things seem to be heating up seismically around...

Prepper News Update August 9

More People are Prepping According to this article, the number of people prepping has been rising. It attributes this to COVID-19, the Great Reset, politics,...

Prepper News Update August 16

Tyson to Raise Prices on September 5 While most of American is enjoying one last long weekend at the beach or in the backyard with...

Prepper News Update August 27

Large Food Suppliers Running out of Stock in U.S. Companies like Sysco, which supply the restaurant and institutional food market, are experiencing problems with sourcing...