Friday the 13th Warning – This is no Movie
Hamas has called for a "global Day of Jihad" on Friday the 13th. Make sure you are prepared and won't be victimized.
When it Comes to Solar Activity, the Carrington Event was Small
Interesting articles on Miyake Events, which make the Carrington Event look small. Fossilized tree rings show that coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, can be...
Russia Steps Up Nuclear Game with New Drill
Russia kicks off a country-wide drill in which first responders and the populace prepare for nuclear war and its aftermath.
Price of Spam Could Increase as Hormel Workers Strike
Workers at the largest Hormel plant are set to strike if the company doesn't cut them in on some of the profits the company made in the past 12 months
Can the U.S. Economy Withstand Four Concurrent Shocks?
Economists expect the fourth quarter to be a bumpy one because of these four shocks to the system.
Inflation Pops Upward, Driven by Gasoline
the August CPI jumped 0.6 percent, the highest since June 2022.
Hurricane Idalia Heads to Florida
Hurricane season is definitely picking as Hurricane Idalia heads to the West Coast of Florida, looking to come ashore Wednesday with winds as high as 115 mph.
Hillary to Smack California
Forecasts call for Hurricane Hillary to come aground in the Baja peninsula and continue North through San Diego, bringing flash flooding with it.
Media Portrays Gun Ownership as Dangerous
Owning lots of guns doesn’t make you more likely to kill any more than owning multiple cars makes you more likely to speed.
Inflation Costs You $8,500 More
Inflation is costing the typical family $709 more per month than they spent two years ago. That's $8,500 per month.