Buying Number 10 Cans on Sale
Pete takes advantage of a sale to add a few more #10 cans to his long term storage. A 50-percent off sale is hard to pass up.
Why is One of the Best Prepper Meals Ignored?
This may sound like a plain, boring meal, but it kept generations alive for thousands of years. When he SHTF, don't ignore this meal.
I Found the Needle in the Haystack
How to incorporate canned meats into your long term food storage program to help you survive the coming bad times.
What is the Most Important Thing in your EDC?
If you are in a mass-casualty event, caught in a riot, or out of the house when disaster strikes, will your EDC be enough to hlelp you survive?
Homestead Updates and Prepping Thoughts
Updates on the economy, precious metals pricing, our beehives, our solar power system, and the use of drones for prepping.
Building Your Food Storage in Three Easy Steps
Pete discusses how to build your food storage program, what to buy, what to avoid, and how much food is enough.
BATF Form 4 Times Greatly Reduced
The wait time for Pete's new suppressors is one third of what it was several years ago, making this a great time to buy one.
Ten More Unusual but Useful Preps
Once you've address food, water, and shelter, your prepping isn't done. Here are ten preps you may need but won't find on many "top preps" lists.
Try Acting like you are “Unbanked”
Cash may not be as convenient as paying by card or app, but it is more anonymous and can help you protect your privacy. Preppers should consider it.
Can you Survive the Hungry Hordes in a Grid-Down Event?
When people grow hungry, the start to get desperate, and when there is no rule of law, they can be a threat. Are you prepared for mass starvation?