The Pickled Prepper
Containers in a pile waiting to be shipped.

New Supply Chain Issues Could Hasten Collapse

The supply chain crisis is going to get worse, much worse. as COVID-19 lockdowns in China come on top of the Ukraine disruption.
Two ways to track the weater

Electronics are Points of Failure for Preppers

Store all the batteries and solar panels you want,; it doesn't matter. One day post-SHTF, all your electronic devices are going to fail.
Pete's Bugout Bg

The Dirty Little Secret about Bugout Bags

Bugout bags are a great place to start your prepping, but they are just one step towards preparedness.
Fighter jet

Global Hot Spots and Bad Economic News Spark Concerns

War drums boom, coronavirus outbreaks bloom, and food shortages loom. There's plenty of things for a prepper to worry about.
Theranos was built on “untruths, misrepresentations, plain hubris and lies.”

Young Fraudsters get their 15 Minutes of Fame

Why are so many young people founding companies built on “untruths, misrepresentations, plain hubris and lies?"
Honey bees. Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay.

Picking the Best Breeds for our Bee and Chick Orders

As spring comes closer, we order our bee hive, bees, and chicks. It was a learning experience but we will plan better next year.
Beirut lebanon

As one Country Collapses, Will we Learn a Lesson?

Will the United States and our politicians learn from the errors made by other countries, or will they allow mismanagement and corruption drag us down?
A ladder leading into a bunker

The Bunker Mentality of the Rich and Famous

Lots of wealthy folks have bunkers, but does that make them any better off than you or I when it comes to surviving a catastrophe?
Image of a Fox news video showing the "controlled burn" in East Palestine, Ohio

Is the Government to Blame for the East Palestine Environmental Disaster?

In my opinion, the true environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, is not the chemical spill , but the decision to “blow up” the chemicals.
This is the target I used to zero the rifle at 40 yards.

I Modernize my Truck Gun to Meet Today’s Threats

I decided it was time to upgrade my truck gun to something that could engage multiple thin-skinned opponents rather than other vehicles.