Fighting the Last War; the Problem with Outdated Tactics
The war in Ukraine is taking place on a much greater scale than we would expect to see as preppers defending our retreat, but we can still learn from it.
A Quick and Easy Way to Add Important Macronutrients to Your...
Many long term storage foods leaving you short of important macronutrients because they are carb-heavy and starch-based.
Time to Clean, Check, and Lube Your Guns
With the current state of the world, I think checking your guns and accessories is at least as important as changing the batteries in your smoke detector.
New Supply Chain Issues Could Hasten Collapse
The supply chain crisis is going to get worse, much worse. as COVID-19 lockdowns in China come on top of the Ukraine disruption.
How to Find Your Survival Retreat
Having a retreat is one of the ultimate prepper dreams, but you don't have to buy one, you just need to identify a place that will welcome you.
Food Inflation is the Tip of the Iceberg
Consumers are reacting strongly to rising prices, which is no surprise to us. Pete continues to top off his supplies, adding 16 cans of chili to his prepper pantry.
How to Survive the Coming Food Crisis
As the war in Ukraine lingers, the odds of a food crisis are growing. Are you prepared to feed your family when there is no food in the store?
My Last Minute Preps for TEOTWAWKI
If the end is near, its time to make sure your preps are up to date. Check your plans, inventory your gear, and coordinate with your prepper pals.
This Could be the Beginning of the End
The unforeseen consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine could be catastrophic. This is what we have been preparing for, we just didn't know it.
Russia, Putin, and the Nuclear Quandary
There's more to the question of whether Putin will use nuclear weapons. We must also consider where and what kind beucase it will affect our odds of survival.