The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Beehive

Bees on a frame of capped brood

How to Check for Spring Swarms Before Your Bees Abscond

If a beehive swarms, the bees may be gone for good. It's a good idea to inspect your hives and take steps when you see signs of a swarm.
Five frames of bees

Checking on my Bees; My Beekeeping Reputation Depends on their Survival

With my beekeeping reputation on the line, I was hoping for at least two of my three hives to make it through the winter.
The Lorob Bees oxalic acid vaporizer

Rain, More Rain, Snow, and Gassing my Bees

We got warm weather, but there was no sun, just rain and more rain. As soon as it clears up and warms up, we're going to kill some varroa mites.
A half moon is seen in late afternoon

Winterization is Complete, Just in Time

The leaves are gone, and temperatures in the 20s are expected. Looks like the last of the warm weather is behind us.
The odd egg was laid by a different breed of hen.

Prepper Diary and Homestead Update for November 10

As fall comes to a close, its time to winterize the homestead and make sure the livestock is protected from snow, wind, and cold weather.
Bees on Asters (left) and Goldenrod

Goldenrod and Asters Help our Bees Prep for Winter

You could consider bees preppers. They stock up nectar (carbs) and pollen (protein) to help carry them through the long. cold winter.
Stihl trimmer with metal blade installed

Taking Advantage of the Cooler Weather on the Homestead

We are working to make fall plantings, clean up the homestead, stock up, and generally make sure we are ready for winter.
Rows of honey jars

Good News from the Bee Yard

It's finally time to harvest some honey and see how our bees performed this year.
A box full of bees.

We Test Out the BeeScanning App on Hive Inspection Day

We opened up three hives and took a total of 62 photos to test in the BeeScanning app as a tool to measure a varroa mite infestation.
Bees in an open beehive

Warm Weather and Nectar Flow Sends our Bees into Overdrive

Only four weeks after we added bees to our hives, they have doubled in size, the bees are drawing comb, and the queen is laying lots of eggs.