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Tag: China

A view of Shanghai from the distance

The Pop Heard ‘Round the World: China’s Bubble Bursts

Capitalism practiced by communists has lead to the expected default of Evergrande, one of China's largest companies that makes up 2 percent of its GDP.
A submarine at sea. Image by David Mark from Pixabay.

Why the Submarine Deal is a Game Changer in Pacific

Australia takes an important step to remind China that it is will not lie down and be bullied as naval power in the Pacific rises to prominence again.
Soybeans growing in a field. Photo by Braden Egli on Unsplash.

Prepare for Unrest, War and Regime Change Next Year

As food prices rise in the U.S., its worse in countries that import the majority of their food. Expect shortages and much higher prices to cause disruption in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Jack Ma has been cancelled.

China Cracks Down on Corporations, Freedom

he CCP's crackdown on corporations, starting with the disappearance of Jack Ma, is unlike anything seen since the revolution.

Prepper News Update July 30

Vaccines Less Effective Over Time The FDA has found that the effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine drops by about 19 percent to 84 percent over...

Prepper News Update July 20

COVID-19 Exposure Surges in UK One fifth of all workers in the UK are supposed to be self-isolating due to potential COVID-19 exposure.  The UK...
A contagious patient. Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash.

Many Vaccines Less Effective with Delta Variant of COVID-19

Perhaps people would take the Delta variant of COVID-19 more seriously if they called it COVID-21. Its causing another wave in much of the world.

Imagine a World Without New Semiconductors and Microchips

A slowdown in the production of new cars due to a lack of microchips may be just a taste of what the future holds. Chips are a huge potential weakpoint in the global supply chain.
Fighter aircraft

Inflation, War, COVID-19, and Other Dangers Lie Ahead

Our hopes of getting back to the pre-COVID normal seem pretty dismal, but there have always been reasons to prepare.
Jerusalem in Israel. Image by Walkerssk from Pixabay.

Two Actions Today Moved the World a Step Closer to War

It's all well and good to prepare for natural disasters and an economic collapse, but war is a constant in our history. Don't neglect to prepare for it.