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promo for Ice Age Farmer video

Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, Fish, Pigs Euthanized; Crops not Planted

Christian of the Ice Age Farmer, raises some good points about what seems to be an effort to eliminate meat and destroy our food supply.
Wheat Kernels

Is Russia Bombing Grain Silos to Make Food Crisis Worse?

Russia appears to be purposely attacking and destroying grain elevators, silos, and food production facilities in Ukraine.
Potatoes in a garden

It’s Time to Raise Some of your Own Food

Raising some of your own food can help you add valuable calories to your diet and and save money, but you need to start now.
Chickens enjoying the spring grass, clover, and weeds.

Are you Prepping in Small Steps or Big?

Whether you prep slowly, a little at a time, or in big batches doesn't matter as much as being prepared when the SHTF. Here's what I did this week.
A field of wheat being harvested

FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants

The FBI warned that cyber attacks on attack could potentially "significantly disrupt" not only our food supply but the economy.
Firefighters fight a large structure fire.

How Many Coincidences does it Take to Become too Many?

At what point are there so many coincidences it doesn't pass the smell test? What are they covering up and not telling us?
Inflation is going to take a bite out of your wallet

Inflation’s Bite just Got More Painful

War and famine tend to go together. Now we can add economic collapse as the IMF says the Russian invasion will negatively affect 86 percent of the globe.
Chicken on skewers being cooked over coals

The Food Riots are Here Already

Food is already in short supply, causing civil unrest in some countries. Prepare for food rationing, price controls and black markets.
prepper news update

Food Prices Soar to Record Levels on Ukraine War Disruptions

Global food prices jumped 12.6 percent between February and March. Grains and cooking oil led the way with prices up 17.1 percent and...
Chickens pecking at some scratch in their chicken run.

Why You Need to Raise Chickens

Chickens can provide a daily supply of healthy eggs at a price that is hard to beat. Plus, you won't be affected by an egg shortage.