The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Guns

Time to prep

Time to Double Down on Prepping

Look around. When things take a turn for the worse, it's time to double down on prepping and planning for the worst case scenario.
An AR15 style modern sporting rifle.

The Foolishness of Attempts to Ban So-Called Ghost Guns

Attempting to ban or regulate Ghost Guns is a useless motion gun grabbers are going through. Criminals will get guns no matter what, just like the got alcohol in the 1920s and drugs in the 1990s.
A dark night in the country. Photo by Gary Meulemans on Unsplash.

A Thump in the Night and I Grab my Shockwave

What do you reach for when you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night? The phone? Your rifle? I reached for my Mossberg Shockwave because it was handy.
UTG flip-up iron sights in their packaging.

Product Review: The UTG Flip Up Front and Rear Sights

My next set of back up iron sights arrived in the mail, so I evaluated them and compared them to the A.R.M.S. sights.
The A.R.M.S. 71L rear sight

Product Review: The A.R.M.S. Model 71L Back-Up Iron Sights

After deciding he needs back-up iron sights on his guns, Pete tests the A.R.M.S. 71L polymer BUIS sights on his AR pistol.

Warm Weather Brings Family, Gardening, and Target Practice

When the fall warms up, we call it Indian Summer. What's it called when we get a preview of spring? I call it time to get a jump on outside projects.
The Capital. Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay.

The Best Way Preppers Should Spend their Stimulus Check

As Congress creeps closer to yet another stimulus bill, Preppers may be in for a windfall. Here are our suggestions on how to spend it.
They are coming to take your guns.

When Did American Become a Third World Country?

As the country draws ever closer to socialism, there is one thing keeping us from falling into the quagmire of socialism: Privately owned firearms.
Man inspecting his carbine

Why You Should Inspect Your Guns Regularly

If you are trapped indoors due to ice or snow, take some time to inspect, clean and oil your firearms.
22LR bricks

Prepper Diary February 3: Snowbound, Like the Rest of the Northeast

While half the country is snowed in with record amounts of snowfall, someone is buying up all the ammo and driving prices up.