The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Guns

An Apache Longbow helicopter

August 28: Future Threats You Should Prepare for Now

As bad as hurricanes and forest fires are, there are plenty of far more serious potential disaster to prep for.
A field of wheat being harvested

The Top 10 Things to Buy Before the Election

There are many predictions of difficult times ahead. Here's our list of the top 10 things you may want to buy before the election.
Stacks of ammo cans

Prepping Diary July 5: Packing our Ammo

As we prepare for our move, we need to properly store and transport our guns, ammo, powder, primers, and other "hazardous" materials that movers won't take.
Fighter jet

Global Hot Spots and Bad Economic News Spark Concerns

War drums boom, coronavirus outbreaks bloom, and food shortages loom. There's plenty of things for a prepper to worry about.
Protesters with a sign "Defund the police." Photo by Andrew Robinson on Unsplash

June 5 Report: Talks of Defunding the Police

Anyone who thinks defunding the police will solve more problems than it causes is naïve at best.
A row of shotguns in a store

June 4 Coronavirus Report: Guns Sell Out, Again

Many first-time gun buyers are rushing to the store after the recent rioting has given them a sense of insecurity.
Rioters in Washington DC. Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unspash.

Prepper Diary June 1: We Arm Up

With riots and looting spreading across the United States, you can't blame a guy for deciding to increase his defensive fire power.
It's always a good idea to clean and recondition your gun magazines.

How and Why to Recondition Your Gun Magazines

You probably knew that your firearms need regular cleaning and maintenance, but did you know your magazines do, too?
Baking with raisins

Quarantine Day 38: The Great Raisin Search

Today, we hosted the Great Raisin Search and I ended up getting quite a workout in the process.
Hunter with shotgun

A Surprising Answer to the Question: What’s the Best Survival Gun

The choice of what makes the best survival gun or gun for preppers has been debated and written about for years and will likely be for many more. Here’s our take.