The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Guns

The start marks the approximate location of Allen, Texas

Texas Mall Shooter Booted from Army for Mental Illness

Another mass shooting using an AR-15 type weapon by a mentally ill individual who holds extremist beliefs.
A Coyote Tan AR with a red dot optic.

14 Useful Gun Lessons for Preppers, Part 2

More lessons for preppers and gun owners, including how to build your armory, what to stockpile, why, and how.
A handgun and range gear

14 Useful Gun Lessons that have Little or Nothing to do...

Fourteen lessons for gun owners to enhance your privacy, safety and security while you prep for the end of the world as we know it.
Ruger 10/22 Takedown model with a Magpul backpacker stock.

The Takedown Ruger 10/22 for Survival

Pete reviews the Ruger Takedown 10/22 as a survival rifle and finds it fills a niche in his vehicle's Get Home Kit.
Shooter in ghilliesuit with a suppressed rifle.

Revisiting the Suppressed .300 Blackout for Survival

Pete reconsiders the use of suppressed subsonic rounds for survival and discusses several potential use cases.
A concealed carry fanny pack

When Carrying in a Fanny Pack is OK

With so many concealed carry options on the market, is concealing a pistol in a fanny pack every the right thing to do?
A row of shotguns in a store

Buy Guns Now to Avoid the Run

The clamor for gun control is rising in state capitals and the White House. Better stock up on guns and ammo before the bank run turns into a gun run.
An assortment of guns

Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

Why are so many school shooters and other mass shooters in a crisis or suffering from mental illness?
The Supreme Court

The Second Amendment Keeps Winning in Court

If you hear any wailing and gnashing of teeth, just ignore it. That’s just the anti-gunners freaking out as the tide of court rulings turns against them.
Testing your equipment is important to find problems.

Why Testing your Preps is Important

Whenever you add new equipment to your survival stash, it’s important to test it out, eliminate any bugs, and ensure you are familiar with it.