The Pickled Prepper
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A person in a hoodie with their face obscured by shadows.

Crime and the Lack of Natural Consequences

To almost no one’s surprise, releasing criminals from jail puts more criminals on the street resulting in more crime.
Rioters in Washington DC. Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unspash.

We are on the Downhill Slope of the Fourth Turning

We are approaching the point when average people will no longer sit complacently and let the world collapse around them.
Potatoes fresh from the ground

It’s Harvest Time at the Homestead

It's peak harvest time on the homestead, but our raised beds would never be enough to sustain us during an emergency.
USS Ronald Reagan and USS Abraham Lincoln in the Philippine Sea in June.

How to Prepare for War with China

War is terrible. It is costly, both in lives and treasure. But war can bring out the best in Americans. It can bring us together. But at what cost?
Rice and Beans at Sam's Club

Recession Road Trip Report and Sam’s Club Visit

While gas prices may be dropping, the price of everything else seems to be rising. On our recent road trip, costs were up 17 to 87 percent.
It's always a good idea to clean and recondition your gun magazines.

The Coming Assault Weapons Ban–What You should Know and Do

While you're worried about inflation and the economy, Democrats are trying to sneak an assault weapons ban through Congress. Here's how to prep for it.
Dried goods for your prepper pantry. Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash.

Last Minute, Inexpensive Food Preps

It is still possible to add food to your prepper pantry without costing you an arm and a let. Here are some examples and suggestions.
Two ways to track the weater

Electronics are Points of Failure for Preppers

Store all the batteries and solar panels you want,; it doesn't matter. One day post-SHTF, all your electronic devices are going to fail.
Natural gas flame surrounding the globe

Gazprom Declaration of Force Majeure Bad News for Germany

Natural gas shortages are going to devastate Germany this winter as Russia cuts pipeline output to Europe.
Man wearing an old fashioned gas mask and carrying a machine gun

New Preppers Should Avoid These Two Mistakes and do This Instead

New preppers often prepare for the last disaster. Here's what you can do to be better prepared for the next catastrophe.