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Tag: Prepping

Drought monitor for July 12, 2022

Heatwaves, Drought and Dust Bowls

The western drought has spread into the south, threatening agriculture and the food supply. This may be the time to move to the mountains.
A city under attack.

Preppers: If you Want Peace, Prepare for War

"Si vis pacem, para bellum" implies you can prevent war by being prepared. Sadly, our country has missed that opportunity, but you don't have to.
A honeybee in flight.

How to Avoid Being a Drone and Getting Voted off the...

When the SHTF, the human equivalent of drones (bees that do no work and add little value to a beehive) will be the first to die.
A protester starts a fire

Are we Heading Towards a Man-Made Collapse?

Dutch Farmers and Sri Lankan protests have a common thread: The attack on our food supply and the rise of green socialism.
a credit card terminal

A Real Life Reason to Carry Cash

When a massive Internet outage shut down phones, ATMs and credit card machines across much of Canada, it demonstrated why you should carry cash
old dimes and quarters

Silver Drops Below $20; Is this a Buying Opportunity?

Silver prices have dropped precipitously. Is this a tremendous buying opportunity or a sign of doom and gloom?
homeless tents on a city street,

Ask Yourself, What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

Imagine the worst case scenario for an economic crash. Then think about what you can do to prepare for it. Here's what we came up with.
Decimated cat food shelves at Walmart

Gas, Grain and Cat Food

We are seeing some positive news as gas prices steady and grain prices drop. Does this mean the crisis is behind us?
broken window in a door

Time to Play it Safe

Prepping is important, but so is living somewhere you are unlikely to be assaulted and where there is no random gunfire and stray bullets.
A frog in a pot on a stove

Is the Water Warm Enough, Mr. Frog?

Are you the frog? We all need to stop and think about the water temperature. It may be time to hop out of your seemingly comfortable life while you still can.