Tag: Prepping
Peak Fairness is Going to be our Downfall
Peak oil didn't destroy us, but "peak fairness" may as socialists and apologists try to make everything "fair."
Europe will be our Harbinger of Doom
Monitor what's going on overseas to look for warning signs. Europe is likely to slide into a collapse before the U.S.
Life as we know it Grinds to a Halt
The supply chain is a vast interconnected system. When one component fails, everything can grind to a halt.
Should you Worry about Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is spreading around the world and there are cases in the U.S. Is monkeypox something you should prep for?
Don’t Let The Man Keep you Down
Sometimes the best thing you can do is resist those in charge and their agenda. Start with passive resistance. Here's how.
These Troubled Times are Here to Stay
If history is a guide, high inflation and energy crises are difficult to address and may affect us for years to come. There is no easy cure,
What if THIS is what Normal Looks Like?
What if we ARE back to normal and the past 20 years of fast growth and low inflation are the aberration? Are you prepared for that?
More News, Much of it Bad
There comes a time when they can't hide the bad news, but when it hits the mainstream media, it often too late to prepare.
Is my Food Stockpile Complete Yet?
We looked for signs of the food shortage at Sam's Club but found only signs of intermittent supply chain disruptions.
You MUST be able to Defend Yourself
Whether in a mass shooting on an isolated event, you have to be prepared to defend yourself and your family. Guns remain the best way to do so.