The Pickled Prepper
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man in gas mask

Quick Updates and Some Thoughts on Burning Issues

Am I the only one who feel like multiple issues are coming to a head? They say Joe Biden has had a bad week, but he could be leading the country into an even worse time.
A mountain snowstorm

Viral Storm Ignored in Face of a Serious Snow Storm

This area is getting whacked by Omicron, but people are busy preparing for a major snowstorm threatening to hit our mountain community.
money getting vacuumed up

Inflation Sucks… the Money from Your Wallet

Government reports show inflation was up 7 percent in 2021, the most since 1982. What they don't tell you is tThe true rate is probably twice that.
A cold, snowy city street.

Super Cold Temps Hit U.S.; How to Stay Warm

As temperatures plunge in New England, there are fears that there might not be enough power generation to meet demand.
headlights at night

One Advantage of Living on a Mountain

There are many advantages of living halfway up a mountain in an out-of-the-way location. Privacy is one of them.
Omicron coronavirus

Omicron Shows the Danger of our Fragile Society

Have you noticed it yet? In 2020 the government forced us to shut down. Today sick employees are causing slowdowns and backlogs.
Riots in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan: Watching a Society Fall Apart in Real Time

It started with protests over the high cost of fuel. Now there are running gun battles in the street and the Kazakhstan government is bringing in Russian troops.
I-95 storm traffic jam

Driving Home why you Need a Survival Kit in your Car

Thousands of drivers were stranded overnight on I-95 in Virginia, with many stuck for 15 or 20 hours, because a storm dumped snow on...

Omicron: Its going to Get Worse

Airline delays and cruise ship cases are just the warning signs. As we move beyond the holidays, the damage and danger of Omicron will become clear.
Cities are crowded, as this subway station shows. Eduardo Davad from Pixabay.

Urban Prepping is an Oxymoron; Get Out while you Can

If you consider yourself a serious prepper and you live in a large city, you need to re-evaluate your priorities. Increase your odds of survival by leaving.