The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Prepping

A radio transceiver capable of receiving and broadcasting on HF, VHF and UHF bands.

Communications, or Comms, for Preppers

For short-range communications to your team members to gathering intel on the situation, radios can be an important part of your prepping kit.
An artist's rendering of what an apocalyptic war might look like.

Russia Doubles Down in Ukraine

NATO and Russia are walking a tightrope as each tries to achieve its goals without inviting a full-scale war between them.
A stream on our property

Water Water Everywhere, but is it Safe to Drink?

When disaster strikes, will you be "water wealthy" or will you have to work to carry, purify and store every gulp of water?
Potatoes in a garden

It’s Time to Raise Some of your Own Food

Raising some of your own food can help you add valuable calories to your diet and and save money, but you need to start now.
Chickens enjoying the spring grass, clover, and weeds.

Are you Prepping in Small Steps or Big?

Whether you prep slowly, a little at a time, or in big batches doesn't matter as much as being prepared when the SHTF. Here's what I did this week.
Firefighters fight a large structure fire.

How Many Coincidences does it Take to Become too Many?

At what point are there so many coincidences it doesn't pass the smell test? What are they covering up and not telling us?
Yelling into a microphone

When Headlines Scream, Remain Calm

There are many loud voices in the prepper universe and the volume is increasing. Don't let the strident voices panic you. Use common sense.
Cargo ships in and around Shanghai

Think of the Pandemic as a Warm Up

China's lockdown of Shanghai and much of the surrounding area is having a detrimental affect on the supply chain as goods are not being produced or shipped.
A frost free water hydrant commonly used on farms and homesteads.

Water is Life, Not Just a Good Idea

An Australian prepper shares his thoughts about water sources and water systems for preppers and off-grid homesteaders.
A young woman prepared to defend herself with a pistol.

There is no Such Thing as a Gun-Free Zone

You have a choice: You can be the hero who returns fire and shoots the bad guy or be the victim lying in a puddle of your own blood.