Tag: Prepping
The Systematic Destruction of the Economy Continues
When everything the government does seems to make inflation higher and the economy worse, you have to ask yourself: Are they doing it on purpose?
Prepper News Update October 8
Manufacturers Blame Government for Supply Chain Problems
Tariffs, lockdowns, and other government policies contributed to and continue to exacerbate the supply chain issues, according to...
My Wife has been Bitten by the Prepping Bug
Some preppers complain about unsupportive spouses, but I've never had that problem. Lately, my wife is becoming quite gun ho.
Are Rabbits the Perfect Livestock for Preppers?
Raising rabbits produces meat rapidly and inexpensively. They take up little room and an be raised almost anywhere, making them perfect for preppers.
How Will You Stay Warm in a Winter Power Failure?
A gasoline shortage means you can't drive, but a natural gas shortage means people might freeze to death. Do you have a back up heat source?
How to Survive Hyperinflation: Venezuela Cuts Six Zeros From its Currency
What will you do when it costs $100 to buy a soda and gas is over $300 a gallon? Better plan now to survive hyperinflation.
How to Shorten Your Personal Supply Chain
As the supply chain crumbles and threatens to collapse, you can take steps to ensure your personal supply chain is in better shape.
Yesterday was “Eat like a Prepper Day” at our House
It's important to test your preps so you know what to do when the SHTF. I recommend holding an "eat like a prepper day" a couple times a month.
Britain Fears another “Winter of Discontent.” Will it Strike Here?
Inflation, gas shortages, and supply chain disruptions make British fear the 1970s are returning. Will this be our winter of discontent as well?
Inflation Numbers Don’t Look Good
When business report their costs are rising between 3 to 11 percent, you know you are going t be paying more soon as the inflation cycle continues.