The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Shortages

A distraught man in Ukraine.

These Troubled Times are Here to Stay

If history is a guide, high inflation and energy crises are difficult to address and may affect us for years to come. There is no easy cure,
The odd egg was laid by a different breed of hen.

Concerns Over Egg Shortages Grow

Although we have not heard as much about bird flu over the past week or two, egg shortages persist and prices are rising.
An empty rice display at Sam's CLub

Warning Sign: Foods Out of Stock items at Sam’s Club

Only 56 percent of the items on my Sam’s Club grocery list were in stock at my local store. The food shortage is about to become real.
money getting vacuumed up

How I Plan to Manage High Inflation and Rising Costs

Tactics and techniques to deal with inflation, maximize your dwindling money, and how to get the most for the least.
Bread drizzled with olive oil

Last Minute food Preps for the Coming Crisis

If we expect a food crisis in months, then our list of storage foods changes. Here are some suggestions for your prepper pantry with a short time horizon.
Some meat

Why The Coming Food Shortage will be Worse than we Expect

The coming food crisis is going to be worse than people expect. Here are warning signs to look for and things you can do to protect yourself.
Close up of wheat ready to be harvested.

World’s Second Largest Wheat Producer Halts Exports

India just joined the growing number of countries implementing some kind of food protectionism. Isn't it time you stored some grains for your family?
a tanker truck

Will Diesel Rationing Happen on the East Coast?

As diesel stocks drop to their lowest level in decades, potential shortages could lead to rationing of diesel fuel on the East Coast.
An 18-wheeler

Diesel is Suddenly our Achilles Heel

Without diesel fuel, trucks, ships, trains, tractors, and heavy equipment all fall silent. As a shortage looms, commerce may grind to a halt.
Grocery store shelf picked clean. Photo by Isaiah Villar on Unsplash.

Historic Fertilizer Crunch Threatens Food Security

As the fertilizer shortage strikes, farmers across the world expect their yields to drop, making the coming food shortage even worse.