Reported deaths in the U.S. climbed to 3,921, up 848, a 28 percent increase from yesterday. The number of reported cases in this country climbed 24,672, or 15 percent, to 188,247. The only good news in the face of 25,000 new cases is that we are holding steady at 15 percent. The bad news is that with this growth rate, cases will double every five days. Dark days, indeed.
New York is reporting 77,900 cases, with 10,929 hospitalized and 2,710 in the ICU. That’s a hospitalization rate of 15 percent and an ICU rate of 3.5 percent. We’ve seen a big jump in numbers from many other states. We’ve updated the top-15 list to show data from two days ago vs today, based on data from today’s New York Times:

When comparing this chart to our prior chart, please keep in mind that this covers TWO DAYS, so the percentage increase is obviously higher. Still, seeing growth of 40 percent or more in five of the top 15 states demonstrates why there is national concern. Also of note, Florida bumper up two places from seventh to fifth while Washington State dropped from fifth place to eighth.
While states like Washington show the virus can be brought almost to a halt and New York shows that it can be slowed, many states remain behind the curve. As of today, every state in the country has more than 100 cases and half the states have more than 1,000 cases.
Globally, growth also continues with a total of 887,000 cases and 44,000 deaths, up 10 percent and 13 percent, respectively.