The Pickled Prepper
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Monthly Archives: December 2021

At $1 each, these pouches are a cost effective way to put some calories in your prepper pantry

Adding to my Stockpile a Little at a Time

Every time I go to Walmart, Sam's Club, or another store, I always try to add a few things to my prepper pantry, spreading out the cost over time.
prepper news update

Prepper News Update December 10

More Details on Follow-Home Robberies in California This article from The Wrap provides more details on California follow-home robbers, which we covered last week. Three Potential...
A city destroyed in war

Danger of Russia Invading Ukraine Increases After Biden Call

Biden had a two hour call with Putin, but his threats may have opened to door for Russia to invade Ukraine.
man repairing a lawnmower

Should Preppers Know how to Fix Small Engines?

If the ships stop sailing, how long will you be able to keep your generator, chain saw, or other small engines running?
A cabin or retreat in the mountains

Looking Back One Year After Buying Our Prepper Property

After living with our house hunting decision for a year, we look back on what we have learned and would do differently.
Razor wire on a building

How to Stay Safe as Crime Rises in Cities

Homelessness, drug use, rising crime, shocking murder rates. Life in many cities is deteriorating. Here are some options to protect yourself.
Two tanks under a cloudy sky

Ukraine Invasion Possible in January

Russian troop build up leads many to think they will invade Ukraine. What will this mean to the U.S., and should we prep for it?
Image of the global bitcoin network

Bitcoin or Gold and Silver – Which is Better for Preppers?

Bitcoin has been called "the new gold," but is it truly a store of wealth suitable for preppers? What happens to it in a grid-down scenario?
Bees seen through the inner cover

Prepper Diary: Warm Weather Means More Work on the Homestead

An unexpected warm spell presented the perfect opportunity to get some work done on the chicken coop and beehives.

Prepper News Update December 3

Oops! Media Caught in Another Lie The idea that the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have less of a backup, which has been...