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Yearly Archives: 2021
A Couple Updates from Pete
Greetings and thanks to all my readers, and a special thank you for those who check in frequently.
After growing 15 percent per month this...
Power Outages; They’re Not just for the Third World Anymore
Power outages used to be something other countries had, or they were caused by a storm. This winter, we may be facing heat and power outages due bad policy decisions.
Breaking News: Prepper Food Company Augason Farms Halts Shipments
A stunning article over at The Organic Prepper reports that Auguson Farms is halting sales for 90 days due to supply chain problems. Auguson...
The Systematic Destruction of the Economy Continues
When everything the government does seems to make inflation higher and the economy worse, you have to ask yourself: Are they doing it on purpose?
China Threats Toward Taiwan Hit New Heights
China has Taiwan on its mind and in its sights. it's not a question of if they will invade, but when and how high a price they are willing to pay.
Prepper News Update October 8
Manufacturers Blame Government for Supply Chain Problems
Tariffs, lockdowns, and other government policies contributed to and continue to exacerbate the supply chain issues, according to...
My Wife has been Bitten by the Prepping Bug
Some preppers complain about unsupportive spouses, but I've never had that problem. Lately, my wife is becoming quite gun ho.
Are Rabbits the Perfect Livestock for Preppers?
Raising rabbits produces meat rapidly and inexpensively. They take up little room and an be raised almost anywhere, making them perfect for preppers.
Rebuilding our Electric Fence the Right Way
Fixing my electric fence meant tearing it down, installing larger insulators, and almost starting from scratch. But it was a learning experience.
How Will You Stay Warm in a Winter Power Failure?
A gasoline shortage means you can't drive, but a natural gas shortage means people might freeze to death. Do you have a back up heat source?