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Yearly Archives: 2021
Gasoline Shortage in Eastern U.S. Another Example of Fragile Infrastructure
Last year it was COVID-19. In February it was cold weather. Today it's a ransomware attack. Why have large companies been blind to the fragility of their supply chain and the havoc problems can wreak in the marketplace
U.S. his Lowest COVID-19 Case Count in 11 Months
While the U.S. is setting records for its lowest rate of growth, India now accounts for about half of all new COVID-19 cases.
Prepper Shopping Basket Shows Surprise Decline in Food Prices
Despite what we see at the grocery store, our prepper shopping basket held surprisingly stead since January. Fuel prices, however, are up an average of 13 percent.
Why Preppers Should Stock Herbs and Spices
In our global world, we rely on distant countries to produce many of the things we rely on every day, from spices to shoes. That will go away in a collapse.
Prepper Diary May 8: Chicken Coops, Bee Hives, and Cold Weather
The weather interferes with our plans, but work progresses on the homestead as we continue to ready for our chicks and bees to be delivered.
Crazy Real Estate Market Caused by People Fleeing Cities
After a recent renaissance in which cities where THE place to be, people are now fleeing large, urban areas and are desperate to buy rural property.
Long Term Storage Foods: Why Ingredients are Better than Mixes
We picked up some of old long-term storage food from our retreat this weekend, and it demonstrated why storing just-add-water mixes is a bad idea.
Don’t Wait for the You-Know-What to Hit the Fan, Barter Now
I've made some good trades with tools I no longer need to get tools I want. We don't have to wait for the STHTF to barter.
COVID-19 Cases Skyrocket in India as U.S. Numbers Drop
COVID-19 cases are overwhelming the healthcare system in India as smoke from funeral pyres smudge the sky. It's a different story here in the U.S.
Chicken Shortage Looms: Have we Reached Peak Chicken?
Americans are gobbling so many chicken sandwiches, its leading to a chicken shortage. Seriously.