The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2021

UTG flip-up iron sights in their packaging.

Product Review: The UTG Flip Up Front and Rear Sights

My next set of back up iron sights arrived in the mail, so I evaluated them and compared them to the A.R.M.S. sights.
fog rolls up the valley

Prepper Diary March 17: We get a Cold Snap for St...

Despite the recent warm weather, we find that winter is not over as temperatures turn colder and fog heralds the arrival of rain and snow.
Bees on a frame

A New, Local Queen and Bees to Strengthen our Hive

When we went to pick up the bee hive components I had ordered, we found a source for local queens and bees to help our hive start off strong.
A coupe wearing colorful face masks

COVID-19 Cases Lead to Worries, New Lockdowns in Europe

As new variations rise in prominence, Europe is paying the price for its slow vaccine roll out and Brazil suffers its worst week ever.
Inflation is soaring. Image based on an image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

All About Inflation and How to Protect Yourself

The main stream media doesn't cover it outside the financial pages, but inflation is coming. Here's what it means to you and how preppers have a leg up when it comes to surviving inflation.
The A.R.M.S. 71L rear sight

Product Review: The A.R.M.S. Model 71L Back-Up Iron Sights

After deciding he needs back-up iron sights on his guns, Pete tests the A.R.M.S. 71L polymer BUIS sights on his AR pistol.
Drought map as of 3-9-21

Extreme Drought Hits Western U.S., Plus New Solar Ideas

Much of the Western U.S. is in a severe to exceptional drought and unless some serious snow falls in their mountains, we could see an impact on the food supply
Stimulus will put money in our pockets.

The Check is in the Mail: More COVID-19 Stimulus and Masks...

The house passed yet another COVID-19 Stimulus bill which President Biden says he will sign on Friday. Think about how you will use your cash.
Honey bees. Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay.

Picking the Best Breeds for our Bee and Chick Orders

As spring comes closer, we order our bee hive, bees, and chicks. It was a learning experience but we will plan better next year.

Warm Weather Brings Family, Gardening, and Target Practice

When the fall warms up, we call it Indian Summer. What's it called when we get a preview of spring? I call it time to get a jump on outside projects.