The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2021

Sprouting Seed

Our Nice Rectangular Garden Just Became a Quadrilateral

Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go awry. We learned that our topography isn't quite as neat and square as the graph paper we plotted our garden on.
Skyscrapers in the city

Survival Diary February 24: We Make a Trip to the City

We made our first big shopping trip to the city in two months and it drove home the difference between living in big cities, small cities and rural areas.
The first flower of spring

After the Deep Freeze, we Experience the First Twinges of Spring

After a spate of cold days with temps dropping into the teens, we see the first signs of spring and we test our gravity-flow water system.
The Capital. Image by JamesDeMers from Pixabay.

The Best Way Preppers Should Spend their Stimulus Check

As Congress creeps closer to yet another stimulus bill, Preppers may be in for a windfall. Here are our suggestions on how to spend it.
A man readies to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

Winning! COVID-19 Retreats. Will Social Distancing be Next?

With some experts prediction COVID-19 will be beaten by April, we look at what this could mean for the county and the economy.
chickens free ranging

Prepper Diary February 21: Our Chicken Coop Plans Get Updated

We get some professional advice regarding our chicken coop design and garden layout.
Windmills generating electricity. Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash.

Lessons Preppers Can Learn from the Texas Big Freeze

Every disaster should be analyzed to determine what we as preppers can do to survive. Here are some initial thoughts regarding the Texas power outages.
They are coming to take your guns.

When Did American Become a Third World Country?

As the country draws ever closer to socialism, there is one thing keeping us from falling into the quagmire of socialism: Privately owned firearms.

Rush Limbaugh, Rest in Peace

Rush Limbaugh went to meet his maker yesterday as one of the most loved and revered men in America.  He probably faced St. Peter...
Shop you r local main street instead of online. Image by Stephen Marc from Pixabay.

Don’t Feed the Beast: Why You Should Take Going Galt to...

Are your hard-earned dollars supporting companies with positions you don't agree with? Don't feed the beast! Seek alternative companies and brands.