Everywhere I look, there are news articles, YouTube videos, Twitter posts, and Reddit threads about empty store shelves. It’s not just in one city or in one part of the country, it’s the Northeast, the South, the West Coast–all across the country. Even NPR covered the shortage.
Liberals want to blame climate change, but the food shortages are not just because of bad weather. It’s because of a worker shortage, at all levels of the supply chain, from truck drivers to warehouse workers to store employees. Some of it is due to COVID-19, but some of it is because of the great resignation and people refusing to work for low pay.
From photos I have seen online, fresh vegetables, lunch meat, frozen foods, chicken, beef and baking supplies seem to be hit the hardest.
To show that this is a serious issue, just look at comments by grocery store CEOs and large food suppliers like ConAgra. They all expect the shortages to last for another month or six weeks.
Don’t be surprised if the underestimate the problem. It could last for months. Or years. Get used to living with regular outages. Learn to live like someone in the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe under communist rule; when you see something you like on sale, stock up.
Shortages Breed Inflation
We are going to be experiencing a combination of two problems for the foreseeable future: inflation and shortages. They go hand in hand.
It doesn’t matter if lockdowns in China caused the shortage or if they are because employees are sick with Omicron, a lack of truck drivers, or a lack of semiconductors. The impact on the consumer or the end-user is the same either way: delays, outages, and whensomething becomes available, it will be more expensive.
Yes, shortages will translate into higher costs, which will continue to push up inflation. That will hurt 95 percent of Americans. As I alluded to a few days ago, food shortages won’t just cause protests, they’ll bring about a new kind of crime.
Look at their Word Choice
Have you noticed the media is not coming out and saying “We have a food shortage?” They are saying “We have empty shelves.” Then they add this caveat: “There is not a food shortage. While shoppers may not find the exact brand or size they are looking for, they can find a substitute.” Maybe yes, and maybe no, but when a substitute exists, it isn’t very satisfactory. For example, is canned chicken a substitute for drumsticks or chicken breasts? Can I make chicken parmesan with it? If I can’t find sliced turkey for my sandwich in the display case, I might get it at the deli, but it’s going to be much more expensive. The media acts like the shortages (there, I said it!) are a minor inconvenience, but the people that have to visit multiple grocery stores to find the food they want would disagree.
This is an example of the left getting ahead of the story with the assistance of the main stream media. “Empty shelves” doesn’t sound that bad. Calling it a “temporary problem” is vaguely reassuring. Coming right out and saying there is a food shortage, now that could be alarming.
They also appeal to us to only buy what we need. Don’t stock up, think of everyone else. Wake up folks, that kind of polite society hasn’t been with us for decades. Everyone is out for themselves, and no one is going to be more aggressive about over-stocking their cart than a scared liberal.
Act Now
My advice is to go to your local club store or log on and buy the following, plus any other canned or dry goods else you like/want:
- A 25-pound bag of rice
- 10 pounds of dry beans of 24 cans of beans
- A 12-pack of tuna
- Two 6-packs of chili
- 8 cans of roast beef or another canned meat
- 6 cans of chicken
- 12 to 18 cans of soup
- A 48-pack of ramen
- Peanut butter
- A couple boxes of crackers
- A box of instant mashed potatoes
- 16 cans of vegetables
- 16 cans of fruit
- A couple packages of dried fruit
- A couple packages of nuts
- 6 pounds of pasta
- At least 3 bottles of pasta sauce
- Pancake mix
- Oatmeal or another hot cereal
- A few meal-replacement or protein bars
This should carry two people through more than a month of shortages. If you can find some foods locally and use these products to fill in or extend your meals, it could last you months.
What are you waiting for?
My local Safeways have run out of all kinds of noodles! With the only exception being the specialty noodles that are expensive.
Every isle had out of stocks. In the back theyd previously had an area that is full of displays, I’d say 8-10 pallets worth of displays that make a small isle themselves. That area is totally gone. I was taking pictures of it when I overheard the pharmacy telling a customer about their many items on back order. He can’t even tell these customers when their medicine will come in.
The people on EBT got a larger raise than the military this year, but they soon will be priced out of the stores. Government pensioners and welfare recipients were always going to be the first to get hit by the “crunch”.
Look for the left to plan a stimulus bill to get money to these people right away. They will call you racists if you are against it…. Another stimulus will take another 5-10% off the value of this dollar and that’s their ultimate goal. Sink the dollar in 4 years, the rest is theater and a distraction.
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