Nuclear War to Trigger an Ice Age, End of Life

the mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay .
The mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay .

A new study says a large nuclear war involving hundreds or thousands of war heads would result in temperatures plunging 13 degrees in the first month, trigger an ice age that would last thousands of years, freeze 60 percent of the ocean (including ports like St. Petersburg and Shanghai), and result in a significant die off of plants, animals, and people. How this prediction differs from prior claims that such a war would trigger “nuclear winter” is unclear, but it does demonstrate that a larges-scale nuclear war would likely end of life as we know it, even for people who live in a different hemisphere than the conflict.

Because of threats from Russia, the world is considered to be closer to nuclear war today than at any time in history.

Published 7/7/2022. Read full article.

Nuclear War to Trigger an Ice Age, End of Life