The Pickled Prepper
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Yearly Archives: 2022

A hand saying stop

We Are Reaching our Limit

Americans have always aimed to exceed our limits, but now we are being constrained. That can't last. Time to change course.
A city destroyed in war

Collapse Won’t Just Reset Society, It Will Destroy It

This article predicts a collapse of our modern techno-industrial civilization by 2030, but possibly as soon as the end of this year.
Produce in a grocery store.

We’re in a Global Food Crisis

People can cut back on movies or even driving when the cost of tickets or gas surges, but everyone needs to eat.
A person in a hoodie with their face obscured by shadows.

Crime and the Lack of Natural Consequences

To almost no one’s surprise, releasing criminals from jail puts more criminals on the street resulting in more crime.
A $5 bill

Every Little Thing Now Costs $5

Inflation has gotten so bad that $5 is quickly becoming the cost for the least expensive items. We're going to need a $500 bill soon.
nuclear explosion

Iran Planning to ‘Build Nuclear Warheads’ and Hit New York

Iran released a short video threatening to rapidly develop nuclear weapons an turn New York into "hellish ruins"
Rioters in Washington DC. Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unspash.

We are on the Downhill Slope of the Fourth Turning

We are approaching the point when average people will no longer sit complacently and let the world collapse around them.
gas pump

Demand Destruction Lowers Gasoline Consumption

While summer usually sees an uptick in gasoline consumption, this year consumption has dropped in June and July.
Woman with an AK-47

Things that Make you Go “Hmm”

Did we call China’s bluff, or are they just working up to a response? Its just one of many problems we are facing as a country.
Hurricane Ida as seen on Saturday, August 20, 2021.

Utilities Fear Lack Of Transformers As Peak Hurricane Season Looms

If your power gets knocked out by a hurricane, shortages of transformers, line, and poles could slow efforts to restore power