Monthly Archives: July 2023
It’s Better to get Shocked than Stung
This is the peak of production on the homestead. In a survival situation, this is when we would be packing on pounds to get us through the winter.
Hurricane Threat Increases
The height of the hurricane season is still a month or more away, but prognosticators are increasing their predictions for a heavy season.
Stocking Up while on the Road
Pete does some stocking up while on a road trip and reports things in the real world look good, but people seem to be wound tight.
Inflation, Recession and the Dollar
Given the current plight of our economy, it looks like we may be leanign away from recession and back to more inflation.
Don’t get Ripped off by Crazy Prepper Food “Deals”
You need to be an educated consumer to avoid getting ripped off when shopping for prepper food. Pouches of food are usually the worst buy.
Do you Need Bushcrafting Skills to Survive?
Bushcrafting and wilderness survival skills are useful, but is surviving in the wilderness really your best option after the SHTF?
Thank the Founders for the Courts
Thanks to a divided Congress, the courts are one of the few checks on the abuse of executive powers and government overreach.
11 Hens A-Laying
We have gone from harvesting 12 or 13 eggs per day in the Spring of 2022 to 7 in the summer of 2023, but that's an improvement over last month.
Lessons from the Great Depression
The Great Depression was a bad time for the country. It changed the face of America. We can learn some lessons from it to better prepare ourselves for the future.