Monthly Archives: July 2023
Living Without Refrigeration: Annoyance or Disaster?
Our refrigerator died during the hottest week of the year. and took more than a week to repair. Here's how we handled it.
Three Die Trying to Survive in the Wilderness
The recent death of three who tried to make a go of it in the Colorado wilderness raises questions about plans to bug out and live in the wild.
We’ve got Beans Coming out of our Ears
Our garden is producing well, maybe even over-producing. Anyone have a good recipe that uses green beans and zucchini?
Book Review: Sam Thayer’s Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants
If you plan to forage for food after the SHTF, you need this book. An excellent resource for the prepper, homesteaded or bush crafter who wants to live off the land.
Rice Sees Buying Frenzy as India Halts Exports
After India banned exports of rice to help control food inflation, there has been a "buying frenzy" in other countries as people seek to stock up.
Look to Long-Term Water Needs at Your Retreat
When buying a retreat or a prepper property, think not only of today, but what we may face years or decades from now.
India Bans Rice Exports As Global Grain Shortage Looms
India has banned rice exports, sending shock waves through the global marketplace and threatening higher food prices.
General Stores are Great for Preppers
Being a well rounded prepper means more than food, water and shelter. Many of those additional items are available at our local general store.
What’s Better for Preppers: Canned Ham or Spam?
Which is better for preppers? Canned ham or Spam? Or are they so similar there is little or no difference? Pete evaluates both.
Problems in Russia are Escalating
Lots of bad news from Russia for a Monday, and he mainstream media seems to be ignoring much of it.