The Pickled Prepper
Home 2023 November

Monthly Archives: November 2023

Globe on fire

Random Thoughts on the World Today

ZeroHedge reports that Florida Jews are buying guns because they don’t feel safe. What took them so long? And what about Jews elsewhere? Why...
Danger sign

Dialing Back My Threat Level One Month Later

There are still danger signs, but one month in, it seems like the war between Israel and Hamas is less likely to spread.
credit cards and wallet

Bad Bank Behavior – Why you need to Deal with More...

Banks are closing some accounts without warning, leaving consumers with no access to their money and a bad credit report.
Nothing in life is easy, including prepping. But anything worth doing, is worth doing well.

Treat Prepping Like a Job

Prepping takes work. It also takes planning and goal setting. View some sample goals as Pete discusses how to achieve them.
Fallen leaves and signs of autumn.

We get Hit with Harsh Winter Weather

Temperatures plunge, sending us from a nice temperate autumn to a bitter cold taste of winter. We beat the cold with our last harvest.
An assortment of guns

Time to Break out the Big Guns

Do you change your concealed carry or EDC loadout based on the threat level? Pete recommends you start carrying heavy, just in case.