U.S. Strikes Back a Houthis

A Tomahawk Missile fired by a U.S. submarine
In this photo form the U.S. Navy, a submarine fires a Tomahawk cruise missile similar to those used to strike back at the Houthis in Yemen.

The U.S. and UK struck back at the Houthis in Yemen, hitting 60 targets at 16 sites. The attacks are in retaliation for missiles and drones launched by the Houthis at military and cargo ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aiden. Prior to the attacks, the Houthis said any attack on them would result in a big battle than the Americans might expect.

This escalation is an outgrowth of the war in Israel and marks the first offensive action publicly taken by the U.S. since the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel.

Published 1/11/2024. Read full article.