The Pickled Prepper
a tanker truck

Trucking During Inflation and High Diesel Prices

If the high cost of diesel is keeping trucks off the road, I could not tell on a recent road trip. Truck traffic remains high.
The dollar's buying power is being eroded by inflation.

Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results

It's been five weeks since we first noted the average online cost for key prepping items, so we check back in to see the results. They may surprise you.
Energy supplies are tightening and prices rising. Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash.

Hold on Folks, Energy Prices are Going to Soar

Natural gas shortages in the UK and Europe and coal shortages in China are not local events. They are going to drive up energy prices in the U.S.
A natural gas stovetop

An Unintended Consequence of Green Policies is Higher Prices

if you have ever focused on one outcome so intently you missed the obvious, then you have experienced the problem with the Green New Deal and our politicians.
Road Trip

Transitory Hyperinflation is Here and More Bad News

I head down the mountain to revisit society and the news isn't good. Gas is more expensive, food is costly, and the word "hyperinflation" is no longer just used to describe other countries,
Two fish on a plate. Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay.

A Simple Economic Model Illustrating Inflation

To really understand the impact of inflation on the economy, let's boil it down to the basics and take a close look.
Pallets of flour at Sam's Club

Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results

The CPI is up, headlines are blaring about inflation, Wall Street is worried, yet when we compare prices for prepper pantry staples now and in January, inflation seems to be missing.
money getting vacuumed up

Inflation Sucks… the Money from Your Wallet

Government reports show inflation was up 7 percent in 2021, the most since 1982. What they don't tell you is tThe true rate is probably twice that.
A partially empty shelf at Walmart

Bare Shelves Trending on Twitter and in your Local Store

A year ago, Candidate Biden blamed empty store shelves on "a lack of leadership." Now President Biden is blaming empty store shelves on businesses. What a difference a year makes.
t-shirts in a retail store

Deflation and Inflation at the Same Time

Can we really have inflation and deflation at the same time? Yes, especially when in a recession. Look for deals and snap them up.